19 March 2006

Oh brother

Oh brother

I was looking through the news and saw this headline and thought 'I wonder'. Well I clicked and found out.

Food Industry a Target in Obesity Fight

Oh great I thought, more junk about how it's all their fault. Pretty close.

It's tempting to blame big food companies for America's big obesity problem. After all, they're the folks who Supersized our fries, family-portioned our potato chips and Big Gulped our sodas. There's also the billions they've spent keeping their products ever on our minds and in our mouths.

Well a shot at trying to be balanced...It starts it's usual libtard spin down from there.

Yale obesity expert Dr. David Katz says that's because companies aggressively peddle food to people who don't need it.
Food industry officials prefer to call it consumer choice.

Just what it is, consumer choice but nooooo it's 'their' fault those big bad evil companies.

"We don't think the food industry has done anything particularly wrong in this regard," says Robert Earl of the Food Products Association, a lobbying group that prefers to indict sedentary lifestyles and poor choices.

At least they gave the 'other side' a chance to speak. Although very little.

He's right. Consumers bear much responsibility for their weight and the fact that two-thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. It's not the industry's fault that people don't get exercise, or that schools have cut physical education, or that people prefer the taste of Twinkies (500 million sold a year) to tofu (much less).

Damn more 'clue batting' I'm shocked, shocked I tell you that the reporter is actually allowing facts to be printed. The only people who like the taste of tofu are fwench.

Libtard Alert Libtard Alert

But critics call Earl's assessment disingenuous. Personal responsibility has limits in the face of a multibillion-dollar marketing whirlwind pushing countless high-calorie treats.

I Call Bull Shit. Damn liberals and their 'it ain't my fault' attitude. No You are responsibility for your actions. Period. I knew they would slip that shit in there.

Personal responsibility also falters when it comes to children, who are bombarded by junk food ads that undermine parents.

Everything from child-friendly merchandizing of sugary cereals to cartoon ads is designed to give companies more sway over what children eat, says Dr. Susan Lynch, a child obesity doctor and wife of New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch.

They even blame big bad evil companies for parents doing a lousy job. Friggin wankers.
I remember sitting down for supper and my son saying 'I don't want that I want this'. My replys 'It's that or nothing'. After going to bed without eating a couple of times he was more than happy to eat whatever was cooked.
Also remember stopping at sonic a few times and asking what kind of kid's meal he wanted and if he wanted orange juice or milk. Of course he wanted a soda. I said 'milk or orange juice or nothing'. He didn't throw a fit cause he knew that it would be nothing and a spanking when we got home.
That came from the two times he decided to throw a fit in a store over something he wanted. I'm not talking about whining I'm talking about a fit. I would put him under my arm and carry him out of the store with him screaming and kicking. After I put him in the car I told him 'now not only are you not going to get what you wanted but your getting a spanking when we got home'. He did. Don't get me wrong there were a lot of times we did get him something he wanted, but he knew what throwing a fit would get him.
That reminds me of another story. We lived in a small farming town. I was in the grocery store and heard a mom tell her son 'straighten up or I'll spank you right here'. Her son looks at her and says 'you don't have a belt'. I walked up and said 'Excuse me, do you need to borrow my belt' as I reached to unbuckle it. That boy's eyes got pretty big. She looked at him and said 'Well am I going to need it' he looked at her and said 'no'. From what I could tell he didn't give her any more trouble. I'll never forget the look on his face. Priceless.

Full Story Here. Have puke bag handy.


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