12 August 2006


Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran, calls President Bush and tells him: “President Bush, I called because I had a most remarkable dream last night!”

Bush: “What was your dream about, Ahmadinejad?”

Ahmadinejad: “President Bush - I dreamt very clearly that America had been totally destroyed and then rebuilt, and on the top of each house in America, there was a flag. And on the flag was writing!”

Bush: “And what was written on the flag, president Ahmadinejad?”

Ahmadinejad: “Ah, President Bush! What else could be on such flags flying over a destroyed America? “Allah is big”, “Allah is great"!!!"Long Live Allah!” That is what I saw in my dream on those flags!”

Bush: “You know what Ahmadinejad? It’s good that you called, because I had a dream too. In my dream Teheran had been completely destroyed, and was rebuilt, and on the top of each building in my dream, I too saw a flag.”

Ahmadinejad: “What! What was written on those flags on the houses of Iran, President Bush?”

Bush: “I don’t know what was written, Ahmadinejad - because - unfortunately - I can’t read Hebrew!”


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