17 October 2006

I'm off

Will be heading out today on a 12 hour trip back home.
It rocks. Although I will be leaving a Great American Hero and his wife, well they both are. I'm also going to a concert that I never thought I would have a chance to.
I will post pics of the tickets cause ya don't know how good they are...
Thanks for your prayers and good thought's lisa w.


Blogger Unknown said...

Safe travels, Huj.

17 October, 2006 08:31  
Blogger Libby Spencer said...

Yeah, what Lisa said, safe travels and enjoy the concert. I feel so old. Not only have I never seen Def Leopard, I kind of forget who they are... I lost track of popular music in about 1976...

17 October, 2006 13:54  
Blogger sig94 said...

Drive safely and remember:
Keep the dirty side up and the shiny side down.
Ah, no, that's not it.
Keep the monkey thigh up and the spiny side...
Keep the sticky pie up and the funky line...

18 October, 2006 17:12  

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