24 April 2006

Frellin Libtards

Found this over at my Blog Dad's site. Misha.

The trouble for these people is that even though they think their personal morality and judgment trumps the US Constitution and loyalty to their country every time, very few real Americans agree with that opinion. And the view most of America takes of a genuflecting devotion to traitors, cowardly appeasers, and puffed-up anti-American frauds is a good deal dimmer than the sunny, respectful one held by those who belong to the liberal Church Militant.

Personally, I think it’s high time the real America went a little Old Testament on these treasonous curs. They’ve usurped our government and made it into their own little playground, immune to the censure or will of the voters, and now they’re going to attempt to lie their way out of it and cover up the stench of what’s really afoot here like a cat in a sandbox. We can’t let that happen. The liberal infestation has gotten so virulent as to make it virtually impossible even to effectively wage war to eliminate serious threats to America and the free world — threats that, in an irony that would be hilarious were it not so macabre, stand in direct opposition to everything these treacherous swine claim to hold dear.

All I can add is 'That ain't no shit'.
Read the whole thing Here.


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