08 March 2006

I Found It...

This was a post I put on my yahoo (sucks) blog before they went jihad on it (hate speach). Well my birthday was January 16th sooo it's a little late here. Oh well.

Happy Birthday to Me!!
Just to let all my faithful readers (currently 0) know that 46 years ago in the middle of Oklahoma I was born [insert snide comment here]. It's been quite a ride. Just finished a year from hell, should say another one, there have been a couple of others but nothing like this. My business, life savings and house on 5 acres all gone. Now don't get me wrong I'm not bitter or mad I just know that sometimes life takes a dump on you. It's not a question of 'if life is going to take a dump it's a question of when. The question is what do you do next, stay down or get back up and dust yourself off and get back in the game. I'm just glad I live in a country where not only did I have a chance but can try again. I have to admit that it is kinda nice to get back to my old self and making people laugh.
That reminds me, do you know the difference between an oral and rectal thermometer? The taste.
In the last 3 years I've gone from a broadcast engineer, maintaining a 3-camera video & audio production facility to a small business owner to a farm hand. Yep quite the ride. While I was working as a farmhand for my dad over the summer I spent a lot of time in his John Deere tractors. That also means lots of time to think, then and as I have been doing lately. Ya know all the woulda coulda shoulda stuff as you look back over your life. The stuff like what would ya change but since I can't there's no use in going there. Don't get me wrong there are a lot of things I did that were wrong (still do but just not a many now). No doubt there were plenty of bad decisions, wrong moves, head up my butt and hurt people. I just can't go back and change any of it all I can do is learn from my mistakes in the past and try not to make the same ones in the future. There are a couple of things I would do differently but as they say 'hindsight is always 20/20'. Although I think all of those experiences, including the nights I've spent in jail, have helped shape and form me into the person I am today. I'm glad I'm not the young, dumb and full of cum and whisky guy that I once was. I hurt a lot of people and did some mean things in those days before I pulled my head out of my ass. There is nothing I can do to change that except be better person in the here and now.
In another way a lot of those experiences have helped me to be a stronger person. I've seen a lot of people who led sheltered lives. With one job I had, we were hired to shoot video of the aftermath of a prison riot. The inmates were locked down but the other guy I was with would nearly pee his pants every time an inmate would yell something at him. I would just yell an answer back and go on. My last girlfriend was the same way. She would sit like a deer in the headlights when I was talking about some of the mundane exploits of my life. No wouldn't want to be like them.
Damn, I'm starting to sound like my dad, shit.
Well I'm off to electrocute the cat.
Yes I live alone and have a cat, whose only purpose in life is to be tortured and catch mice.
Hopefully I'll get a story posted about my trip to the health food store. All of you who know me can pick your jaw up off the floor.


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