
A reporter from Fox News ask Frwench President Chirac about Fwench military victories during WWII, WWI or any military victories?
A reporter from Fox News holds up a bar of soap.
Pic stolen from here.
Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely, but rather to skid in sideways - On a Harley - Beer in one hand - screaming - WOO HOO! What a Ride!
Just checked out a site of a fellow member of the Pirate Armada The Blue Star Chronicles. Now I am ordering my legion of readers (currently 0) to stop by and check it out. I haven’t had a chance to check it out yet but am now glad I did. Damn job keeps me busy, maybe I should move to fwance?
Well the stop reminded me of something. At our last American Legion meeting the Commander showed us a picture of one of our members, Navy intel type in Iraq, with none other than Donald Rumsfeld the Secretary of Defense. That ought to give the libtards gas. He also showed us a photo of himself and another member giving his wife a blue star banner. To bad they weren’t doing that when I was in the USN cause my parents would have had two. My brother was a Combat Corpsman at the same time. Have a lot of military types in my family going back to the British in the 1800’s. That’s all I list in this post, we have found quite a few in the genealogy research.
As for the care packages, they’re great. My mom use to send them and when it arrived I would get a phone call, ‘Wilson, get your ass up here you have a care package’. The only time there were more people in the shop was payday. This was the early 80’s. One thing to remember about them is to also be creative. Once I got a Braille Playboy that was a hoot. As for packing material, use popcorn. If you can use a box big enough for this. Put a plastic bag in the box and line the bottom with 2 or 3” of popcorn. Put the rest of the stuff in there and fill with popcorn. Tie the bag off to make it as airtight as possible. It will stay eatable, hay my mom sent them from central Oklahoma to the middle of the Indian Ocean and it didn’t take log for the popcorn to disappear after I opened it.
Also ladies, send your hubby/boyfriend etc a letter and perfume it. I guarantee he will carry it in his pocket and sniff it on a regular basis, it will mean a lot. Ya he will catch some grief from his buddies, but they are just jealous.
Was thinking about this and I rememberd that a while back I read a post on The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler about the virgin thing. Well it seems, I am paraphrasing this, that there has been some new research into this ’72 virgins’ thing. Now many scholars believe that it’s not quite accurate. The new translation should read; you will open your eyes in a very, very hot place. Surrounded by 72 very well hung and amorous demons and YOU are the virgin…
First Found Here.
That aren’t no shit. Along with the U.S. Navy, somebody has to give them a ride...
The M32 is a 6-shot, shoulder fired 40mm grenade gun that is being tested by the Marine Corps as a potential replacement to the single-shot, under-barrel M203 grenade launcher, which has been in the Corps’ arsenal since the 1960s
Now it's going to be even more of a 'bad day' for those 'little sheet heads' and anybody else that wants to mess with us. I mean shit, go read about that thing.
The Marines have designated the new weapon the M-32 Multiple shot Grenade Launcher (M-32 MGL, or M-32 MSGL). According to Jane's Defence Weely (January 11, 2006), the U.S. Marine Corps has purchased approx 9,000 units of the new (updated/upgraded) weapon system. Milkor USA could not confirm this number. However, they did confirm that an unspecified number of M32 MGL 40mm multiple grenade launchers was purchased by the USMC.
This is good news. Let's see what have the peaceful mooooslems given the world in the last 200 years? I'm thinking. Well can't come up with anything other than homicide bombers. Oh wait there was that book 'How to please your goat'. What do we do? Well besides the betterment of the world we devise more ingenious ways to kill you.
Stand By For High Seas And Heavy Rolls…
p.s. And no virgins….
Somali Militiamen Say U.S. Shot First
Let’s start with ‘Somali Militiaman’ WTF they don’t even have a government in that shit hole of a country. How about ‘Our thugs shot at you and we got our Asses handed to us’.
If you think that was an ‘ass whoppin’ be glad the USMC wasn’t involved.
Be very thankful.
This is a update to an earlier post.
(CBS/AP) Somali militiamen who skirmished with U.S. Navy vessels claimed Sunday they did not fire the first shot and that they had been patrolling Somali waters to stop illegal fishing vessels.
Skirmished, are you frellin kidding me??? See first paragraph. Oh by the way we believe you were looking for ‘illegal fishing vessels’ NOT.
He said that in total 27 Somali militiamen had been patrolling off the Somali coast before the gunbattle. Fourteen returned to shore safely, Barqad said on two-way radio from the central Somali town of Harardhere.Yea right. I’m a former swab jockey I know a little about this shit.
And dickhead reporter started out this paragraph with this statement as if it was ‘truth’.
The U.S. Navy opened fire first on the Somali militiamen's small utility boat, which was towing a pair of skiffs, said Barqad. His statement contradicted U.S. claims that the navy vessels were fired upon.
The militiamen, "were in an operation to protect the country's sea resources from illicit exploitation by foreign vessels," Barqad said.
The Spanish term for that is ‘El Toro PoPo.
Geraad Mohamud, also from the same militia group, threatened that they would kill any hostagethey capture and that they would attack any ship unlawfully plying Somali waters unless their men were released.
Oh wait, must stop laughing, tears in eyes, ribs hurt, rolling on floor. Oh shit.. Now that I have assured the neighbors that nothing is wrong other than dealing with libtards.
You wearers of dirty night shirts don’t really get it do ya? In Mogadishu we had 17 brave soldiers die. Your side had 1800. If that is the odds ya want.
All I can say is Go Read…
Navy Exchanges Fire With Suspected Pirates
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) - Two U.S. Navy warships exchanged gunfire with suspected pirates Saturday off the coast of Somalia, and one suspect was killed and five others were wounded, the navy said.
They’re lucky that they’re not all dead. I didn’t know what kind of ships the US had there but I know their 5” guns are very accurate. Thinking they were using frigates.
No sailors were wounded in the battle, which occurred at about 5:40 a.m. local time, approximately 25 nautical miles off the Somali coast in international waters.
That’s good news, now more on my brothers in arms.
The suspected pirates were holding what appeared to be rocket-propelled grenade launchers, the navy said. When the suspects began shooting, naval gunners returned fire with mounted machine guns, killing one man and igniting a fire on the vessel.
That would mean 50 cal. Stooooopid pirates. No doubt too small for the 5” there wouldn’t have been anything left, not like that would be a ‘bad thing’.
The Cape St. George, a guided-missile cruiser, and Gonzalez, a guided-missile destroyer, were conducting maritime security operations in the area. They are based in Norfolk, Va.
Damn those pirates got off lucky, very lucky. Thinking frigates and then reading a cruiser and tin can. Shit those guys got off lucky. If it was up to me I would tell the squids to just sink all pirate ships they see. Period. No Quarter, no warning nothing except the last thing they would see would be a white puff from a 5” cannon then boom.
Not only have I been Rott Launched but he added me to his blog roll in “Dept. of Unapologetic Americanism”
I am not a wordsmith nor do I have a college edumaction. I’m just a HS grad and a USN vet that speaks my mind.
A Rott Launch!!!!!!!!!
I’m on the Rott blog roll. Talk about Inspiration.
Now I’m on the Rott blog roll, the only way things get better involve a case Danish beer and a lady… and she doesn’t drink…or a Danish lady and 2 cases of beer....
That would be even better....
This will be an interesting story to keep in sync.
A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. I was in the US Navy stationed on the USS Coral Sea CV-43 in Alameda CA.
Bill and I stopped by a park to drink a few cold ones. We ran into some other guys from the ship. There were a lot of civvies around so we decided to head to another section of the park. I think maybe 5 cars with less than 20 guys. We were standing around our cars, drinking beer and talking when several cop cars pulled up. We thought, WTF, no loud music etc. A sergeant walked up and said, “Is this it?” With a few in me I replied ‘Is this what?’ He said, ‘We got a call that there was a big party going on over here’. We all look at each other and ask ‘what big party”. The police sergeant says ‘Somebody from the apartment complex over there said there was a big loud party going over here’. We all look at each other again and say “Just us, not trying to cause any trouble’. He ask ‘Well are all of you old enough to drink?’ We lied and said ‘Yes’.
He ask “Well do you mind if we look around?” We said ‘Sure go for it’.
Well a couple of the officers started looking in the cars and one came by my truck, looked at my rear view mirror and noticed a small stuffed raccoon hanging from it in a hangman’s noose. He turned and looked at me with one of those WTF looks. I said, “What else do ya do with it?”
I know that if the lady that gave it to me is reading this she will be irked. She sure was then. But it makes a great story to talk about now.
The cops had a little talk and the sergeant told us “you guys, finish your beers, take off, I don’t see anything here and I don’t want to have to come back”.
We Did.
One of many stories about my time in the USN.
Ya keep hearing from the liberal’s and ‘peaceful mooslems’ that profiling or that looking deeper into people from terrorist supporting countries is ‘wrong’. Well let’s just consider this scenario.
A group of 15 Americans, 1 Canadian, 1 Englishman,. 1 Spaniard and 1 Frenchman (I know the Frenchman is a stretch but work with me) hijack 4 Arab airliners and fly them into Mecca and Medina another hit’s a big oil producing plant and the other is headed for Riyadh when it crashes in the litter box.
Well, we have seen how the ‘tolerant and peaceful mooslems’ react over cartoons. My guess would be that they would have killed all the Americans they could find, to start with. Then kill anybody else they could find that might be a WASP.
After which any American or WASP that wanted to enter their ‘peaceful, tolerant’ mooslem countries would be subjected to things I would have a hard time thinking of.
Just something to think about.
If it were up to me, there would be a separate line for ‘peaceful & tolerant’ mooslems at airports among other places. The screener would say ‘get ready to not only remove all of all of your clothes but we will let ya know how your colon is doing.
A Saudi was talking with an American co-worker one day and said.
“My son and I both enjoy the Star Trek shows but there is one thing that we noticed”
“What was that?” ask the American.
“Well” the Saudi said, “There are no Arabs or Muslims in any of them”.
The American replied “Well that’s because it takes place in the future”.
The only reply I received was from a survey site asking me about what I though about how my question was handled. WTF I had not received a response from them. So after letting them know that it was a 1 out of 10 I finally get a reply that has cryptic references to their ‘Terms of Service’.
I reply asking, ‘OK if I violated your TOS on the blog why did ya nuke my email etc. and not dump the blog?
Well I finally got another somewhat vague email that said,
Any Yahoo! 360 page may be removed for violations of the Terms of Service and Guidelines, which may include some of the following:
adult images,advertisements; soliciting sales outside of Yahoo!; spamming; copyright infringement; items associated with hate groups; drug paraphernalia
Ding Ding Ding We have a winner!!!! Hate Groups. That’s code for libtard ‘It’s free speech to tell the troops they are dying or wounded for oil but if you say something I don’t agree with it’s hate speech’. Or if I had bashed Christians and anybody protested they would have said ‘free speech’ but noooo tell the ‘peaceful tolerant moooslems’ to go piss up a rope and yahoo (sucks) will nuke ya.
Oh by the way ‘Eva’ I hope ya will enjoy wearing a berka….